LEI Search and Lookup - Check Your LEI Number

Xtrackers II



Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855
Legal name
Xtrackers II
Other entity names
db x-trackers II
Registered at
Trade and Company Register (Luxembourg Business Registers)
Registre de Commerce et des SociétésLuxembourg Business Registers
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Registration authority entity ID
Legal jurisdiction
Entity category
Entity legal form code
Entity status
Entity created at


Legal Address
49, avenue J.F. Kennedy
LU | Luxembourg
Headquarters Address
c/o DWS Investment S.A.
Boulevard Konrad Adenauer 2
LU | Luxembourg

Registration details

LEI initial registration date
LEI last update date
LEI registration status
LEI next renewal date
Managing LOU
Bloomberg Finance L.P. (Bloomberg Finance L.P.)
Validation sources
Validated at
Trade and Company Register (Luxembourg Business Registers)
Registre de Commerce et des SociétésLuxembourg Business Registers
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Validated as


Sub funds
ESG Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETFXtrackers II Target Maturity Sept 2027 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFEUROZONE GOVERNMENT BOND 0-1 UCITS ETFGERMANY GOVERNMENT BOND 0-1 UCITS ETFXtrackers II Target Maturity Sept 2029 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFUS Treasuries 10+ UCITS ETFESG GLOBAL GOVERNMENT BOND UCITS ETFXtrackers II Target Maturity Sept 2031 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFIBOXX EUROZONE GOVERNMENT BOND YIELD PLUS 0-1 UCITS ETFUS TREASURIES 7-10 UCITS ETFEUR Corporate Bond Short Duration SRI PAB UCITS ETFTarget Maturity Sept 2034 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFTarget Maturity Sept 2026 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFTarget Maturity Sept 2028 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFEurozone Government Green Bond UCITS ETFEUROZONE GOVERNMENT BOND ESG TILTED UCITS ETFXtrackers II Target Maturity Sept 2033 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFTIPS US INFLATION-LINKED BOND UCITS ETFTarget Maturity Sept 2030 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFJ.P. Morgan EM Local Government Bond UCITS ETFUS TREASURIES 3-7 UCITS ETFTarget Maturity Sept 2032 EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFEurozone Government Bond 15-30 UCITS ETFGBP Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETFGlobal Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETFGermany Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETFAustralia Government Bond UCITS ETFEUR Corporate Bond 0-3 UCITS ETFEUR Covered Bond Swap UCITS ETFEurozone Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETFUSD Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETFItaly Government Aggregate Bond Swap UCITS ETFGermany Government Bond UCITS ETFITRAXX EUROPE SWAP UCITS ETFUSD EMERGING MARKETS BOND UCITS ETFEurozone Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETFGlobal Government Bond UCITS ETFEUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETFItaly Government Bond 0-1 Swap UCITS ETFESG Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETFEUR HIGH YIELD CORPORATE BOND 1-3 SWAP UCITS ETFEurozone Government Bond UCITS ETFEurozone Government Bond 7-10 UCITS ETFGermany Government Bond 7-10 Swap UCITS ETFItraxx Crossover Swap UCITS ETFJAPAN GOVERNMENT BOND UCITS ETFEUR Corporate Bond SRI PAB UCITS ETFGlobal Inflation-Linked Bond 1-10 UCITS ETFEurozone Government YP Duration Hedged UCITS ETFEurozone Government Bond Short Daily Swap UCITS ETFHarvest China Government Bond UCITS ETFIBOXX EUROZONE GOVERNMENT BOND YIELD PLUS UCITS ETFUS Treasuries UCITS ETFEurozone Government Bond 3-5 UCITS ETFSingapore Government Bond UCITS ETFEurozone Government Bond 5-7 UCITS ETFEurozone AAA Government Bond Swap UCITS ETFEUR High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETFEurozone Government Bond 25+ UCITS ETFUS Treasuries 1-3 UCITS ETFITRAXX CROSSOVER SHORT DAILY SWAP UCITS ETFIBOXX GERMANY COVERED BOND SWAP UCITS ETFIBOXX EUROZONE GOVERNMENT BOND YIELD PLUS 1-3 UCITS ETFEUR Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETFGermany Government Bond 3-5 Swap UCITS ETF
NON_CONSOLIDATING (Direct parent exception reported)
NON_CONSOLIDATING (Ultimate parent exception reported)
Direct children
No direct child data available
Ultimate children
No ultimate child data available